Phillip Trelford's Array

POKE 36879,255

Byte-sized Tweets

This post is part of the .Net Christmas Advent calendar organized by Dustin Morris Gorski on Twitter.


.Net or dotNet is a developer platform from Microsoft from the noughties, inspired by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) from the 1990s. Both platforms are used by millions of developers, with the JVM used primarily for Enterprise apps and Android mobile app development, and .Net again used primarily for Enterprise apps along with games on Unity.

For a practical example of Enterprise app development style check out FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition;

Both the JVM and .Net compile their code to byte code that is typically just-in-time compiled to native code at run-time, where in computer programming a byte consists of 8-bits. This was probably inspired by the 8-bit microcomputers of the 1980s 8-bit like the ZX Spectrum stored instructions in 8-bit codes that were then interpreted at runtime.

.Net and the JVM support multiple programming languages, for example on the JVM Java, Kotlin and Scala are popular and on .Net C#, F# and VB.Net are popular.

The generated byte code of the JVM and .Net allows programs to be run on different operating systems and processors, for example both can run on an Intel PC running Windows or a Raspberry Pi with an ARM chip. But things have moved on,  and it doesn't just stop at byte code anymore, code can be transpiled to run on the web as JavaScript, with libraries like Fable, or even executed in response to a Tweet...

.Net Tweets

Back in 2014 Mathias Brandewinder produced the @fsibot which lets you tweet F# code to it, and it will execute the code and return the result. This gives the programmer the power to write and execute FizzBuzz without leaving Twitter at all:

On the Advent calendar theme, this can be used to produce a Christmas tree:


This is great but the code is limited to 144 characters and the response to text only output...

BBC Tweets

In 2020 the @bbcmicrobot / a recreation 8-bit BBC microcomputer from the 1980s allowing you to tweet a full 280 characters of BBC BASIC, and with the BASIC supporting graphics programming by default, you can receive the response back as an animated GIF back! But it doesn't stop there, you can even see your programs run on a virtual BBC in 3D:

A Christmas tree

to a Snowflake


Can you write FizzBuzz in a Tweet for the BBC Micro?

Happy Christmas code tweeting…

Finite State Machine Compiler

Yesterday I noticed a tweet recommending an “Uncle” Bob Martin video that is intended to “demystify compilers”. I haven’t seen the video (Episode 29, SMC Parser) as it’s behind a pay wall, but I did find a link on the page to a github repository with a hand rolled parser written in vanilla Java, plus a transformation step that compiles it out to either Java or C code.

cats and dogs

The parser implementation is quite involved with a number of files covering both lexing and parsing:

I found the Java code clean but a little hard to follow so tried to reverse engineer the state machine syntax off of a BNF (found in comments) and some examples (found in unit tests):

Actions: Turnstile
FSM: OneCoinTurnstile
Initial: Locked
Locked Coin Unlocked {alarmOff unlock}
Locked Pass Locked  alarmOn
Unlocked Coin Unlocked thankyou
Unlocked Pass Locked lock

It reminded me a little of the state machine sample in Martin Fowler’s Domain-Specific Language book, which I recreated in F# a few years back as both internal and external DSLs.

On the train home I thought it would be fun to knock up a parser for the state machine in F# using FParsec, a parser combinator library. Parser combinators mix the lexing and parsing stages, and make light work of parsing. One of the many things I like about FParsec is that you get pretty good error messages for free from the library.

Finite State Machine Parser

I used F#’s discriminated unions to describe the AST which quite closely resembles the core of Uncle Bob’s BNF:

type Name = string
type Event = Name
type State = Name
type Action = Name
type Transition = { OldState:State; Event:Event; NewState:State; Actions:Action list }
type Header = Header of Name * Name

The parser, using FParsec, turned out to be pretty short (less than 40 loc):

open FParsec

let pname = many1SatisfyL isLetter "name"

let pheader = pname .>> pstring ":" .>> spaces1 .>>. pname .>> spaces |>> Header

let pstate = pname .>> spaces1
let pevent = pname .>> spaces1
let paction = pname

let pactions = 
   paction |>> fun action -> [action]
   <|> between (pstring "{") (pstring "}") (many (paction .>> spaces))

let psubtransition =
   pipe3 pevent pstate pactions (fun ev ns act -> ev,ns,act)

let ptransition1 =
   pstate .>>. psubtransition
   |>> fun (os,(ev,ns,act)) -> [{OldState=os;Event=ev;NewState=ns;Actions=act}]

let ptransitionGroup =
   let psub = spaces >>. psubtransition .>> spaces
   pstate .>>. (between (pstring "{") (pstring "}") (many1 psub))
   |>> fun (os,subs) -> 
      [for (ev,ns,act) in subs -> {OldState=os;Event=ev;NewState=ns;Actions=act}]

let ptransitions =
   let ptrans = attempt ptransition1 <|> ptransitionGroup
   between (pstring "{") (pstring "}") (many (spaces >>. ptrans .>> spaces))
   |>> fun trans -> List.collect id trans

let pfsm =
   spaces >>. many pheader .>>. ptransitions .>> spaces

let parse code =
   match run pfsm code with
   | Success(result,_,_) -> result
   | Failure(msg,_,_) -> failwith msg

You can try the parser snippet out directly in F#’s interactive window.

Finite State Machine Compiler

I also found code for compiling out to Java and C, and ported the former:

let compile (headers,transitions) =
   let header name = 
      headers |> List.pick (function Header(key,value) when key = name -> Some value | _ -> None)
   let states = 
      transitions |> List.collect (fun trans -> [trans.OldState;trans.NewState]) |> Seq.distinct      
   let events =
      transitions |> (fun trans -> trans.Event) |> Seq.distinct

   "package thePackage;\n" +
   (sprintf "public abstract class %s implements %s {\n" (header "FSM") (header "Actions")) +
   "\tpublic abstract void unhandledTransition(String state, String event);\n" +
   (sprintf "\tprivate enum State {%s}\n" (String.concat "," states)) +
   (sprintf "\tprivate enum Event {%s}\n" (String.concat "," events)) +
   (sprintf "\tprivate State state = State.%s;\n" (header "Initial")) +
   "\tprivate void setState(State s) {state = s;}\n" +
   "\tprivate void handleEvent(Event event) {\n" +
   "\t\tswitch(state) {\n" +
   (String.concat ""
      [for (oldState,ts) in transitions |> Seq.groupBy (fun t -> t.OldState) ->
         (sprintf "\t\t\tcase %s:\n" oldState) +
         "\t\t\t\tswitch(event) {\n" +
         (String.concat ""
            [for t in ts ->
               (sprintf "\t\t\t\t\tcase %s:\n" t.Event) +
               (sprintf "\t\t\t\t\t\tsetState(State.%s);\n" t.NewState)+
               (String.concat ""
                  [for a in t.Actions -> sprintf "\t\t\t\t\t\t%s();\n" a]
               ) +
         ) +
         "\t\t\t\t\tdefault: unhandledTransition(,; break;\n" +
         "\t\t\t\t}\n" +
   "\t\t}\n" +
   "\t}\n" +   

Again, and probably not surprisingly, this is shorter than Uncle Bob’s Java implementation.

And again, you can try the compiler snippet out in the F# interactive window.


Writing a parser using a parser combinator library (and F#) appears to be significantly easier and more succinct than writing a hand rolled parser (in Java).


Are you working in the enterprise?

Do you find yourself, day-in-day-out, up to the eyeballs in unmaintainable code?

Does the once beautiful architecture now more closely resemble a big ball of mud, that no amount of tooling will dig you out of?

What can you do?

1) Bury your head in the sand


A very popular option, you just need to keep practising denial.

2) Turn to drink


Another popular option, although unfortunately this strategy is only likely to last as long as your liver.

3) Become a scrum master

scrum master

This is an easy way out, scrum certification is just a 2 day course away, but there’s probably no looking back.

4) Admit there’s a problem


This is one of the hardest and least popular options, but possibly the most rewarding.

Start by saying out loud: “Object Oriented Programming is an expensive disaster which must end” and then take each new day as it comes.