This weekend Evelina, Yan an I had the pleasure of speaking at f(by) the first dedicated functional conference in Belarus. It was a short hop by train from Vilnius to Minsk, where we had been attending Build Stuff. Sergey Tihon, of F# Weekly fame, was waiting for us at the train station to guide us to the hotel with a short tour of the city.
The venue was a large converted loft space, by the river and not far from the central station, with great views over the city. The event attracted over 100 developers from across the region, and we were treated to tea and tasty local cakes during the breaks.

Evelina was the first of us to speak and got a great response to her talk on Understanding Social Networks with F#.
The slides and samples are available on Evelina’s github repository.
Next up Yan presented Learn you to tame complex APIs with F# powered DSLs:
My talk was another instalment of F# Eye for the C# Guy.

The talk introduces F# from the perspective of a C# developer using live samples covering syntax, F#/C# interop, unit testing, data access via F# Type Providers and F# to JS with FunScript.
In one example we looked at CO2 emissions using World Bank data (using FSharp.Data) in a line chart (using FSharp.Charting):
[gb;uk;by] => (fun i -> i.``CO2 emissions (kg per 2005 PPP $ of GDP)``)
![CO2 emissions[3] CO2 emissions[3]](
Many thanks to Alina for inviting us, and the Minsk F# community for making us feel very welcome.