Phillip Trelford's Array

POKE 36879,255


Back in February Jon Harrop published an implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life in 32 lines of F# using WPF. I’ve managed to increase Jon’s example to a massive 50 lines but at the same time get it running in Silverlight. If you have Silverlight 4 installed you can click in the box below to kick start life.

Jon’s original code for calculating life:

module Game =
    let count (a: _ [,]) x y =
        let m, n = a.GetLength 0, a.GetLength 1
        let mutable c = 0
        for x in x-1..x+1 do
            for y in y-1..y+1 do
                if x>=0 && x<m && y>=0 && y<n && a.[x, y] then
                    c <- c + 1
        if a.[x, y] then c-1 else c
    let rule (a: _ [,]) x y =
        match a.[x, y], count a x y with
        | true, (2 | 3) | false, 3 -> true
        | _ -> false

The Silverlight Control, containing a WriteableBitmap updated from an F# Async Workflow:

type GameControl(n) as control =
    inherit System.Windows.Controls.UserControl()
    let game =
        let rand = System.Random()
        Array2D.init n n (fun _ _ -> rand.Next 2 = 0) |> ref
    let update _ = Game.rule !game |> Array2D.init n n
    let bitmap = System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap(n,n)
    do  control.Content <- System.Windows.Controls.Image(Source=bitmap)
    let render () =
        let pixels = bitmap.Pixels
        let black, white = 0xff000000, 0xffffffff
        for x in 0..n-1 do
            for y in 0..n-1 do
                pixels.[x+y*n] <- 
                    if (!game).[x, y] then white else black
    do  for i = 1 to 3 do game:= update() done; render ()
    do  async {
        use handle = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)
        do! control.MouseLeftButtonUp |> Async.AwaitEvent |> Async.Ignore
        do! Async.SwitchToThreadPool ()
        while true do
            game := update ()
            bitmap.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(fun _ -> 
                handle.Set() |> ignore
            ) |> ignore
            do! Async.AwaitWaitHandle handle |> Async.Ignore
            handle.Reset() |> ignore
        } |> Async.StartImmediate

Application startup:

type App() as app =
    inherit System.Windows.Application()
    do  app.Startup.Add(fun _ -> app.RootVisual <- GameControl(256))


Source code: (2.38 kb)

Comments (1) -

  • Art Scott

    4/17/2013 8:23:16 PM |

    Hi Phil. Hope all's well.
    Playing with RayTrace; reviewed Jon's F#J article, circa 2011 -- Real-time ray tracing in Silverlight.
    It uses asynchronous workflows and a MailboxProcessor.
    My issues is  
    let bitmap = System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap(n,n)
    seems to not be working ... with your Life version, or Jon's RT. Maybe I'm not keeping up with framework changes? Or cockpit error?
    Thanks. PHL OOE Art

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