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Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 NYC – Day 2

On day 1 of the Progressive F# Tutorials in NYC on the beginner’s track we started with the F# Koans to introduce F#’s syntax and language features, and then finished up with F# Katas to put some of that learning into practice.

On day 2 the idea was to look at how to structure F# programs through a tutorial on Domain-specific languages (DSLs) in F#, and finish up the day with a fun programming contest.



Here are the slides, they’re a little sparse as most of the session was a hands-on tutorial with live code examples:

DSL: UML Sequence Diagrams

This sample shows how easy it is to create an internal DSL in F#:

type Object(name) = member o.Name = name
type Action = Action of string * Object * Object

let fred = Object("Fred")
let bob = Object("Bob")
let hank = Object("Hank")
let renee = Object("Renee")

let (--) (source:Object) (message:string) = 
let (-->) (source:Object,action:string) (target:Object) = 

let actions =
        fred --  "order food" --> bob
        bob  -- "serve wine"  -->  fred
        hank -- "pickup"      --> bob
        bob  -- "serve food"  --> fred
        fred -- "pay"         --> renee

The sample above uses a single line to define an class for specifying object’s and their associated names, and another line using a discriminated union to define actions between objects. Custom operators are used to allow the actions to be defined in a way that is similar to drawing in a UML Sequence diagram

DSL: Retail Domain

Next up we created a simple domain for Retail Point-of-Sale (POS) application:

type Code = string
type Name = string
type Price = decimal
type Product = Product of Code * Name * Price
type Quantity = decimal
type LineNo = int
type LineItem = 
  | SaleLineItem of LineNo * Product * Quantity
  | TenderLineItem of Tender * Price
  | CancelLineItem of LineNo

Then used it to build a simple command line based Retail application that could lookup items from a barcode scanner and show a total on checkout.

There are some exercises to work through in the attached code.

DSL: Automated Acceptance Testing with TickSpec

Before the break I gave a brief introduction to TickSpec an F# library for automating acceptance tests. TickSpec allows you to wire up English language test specifications to your code in a variety of ways including regular expressions.

DSL: Fluent API for Unit Testing

Tomas led a session on building a fluent API using the example of unit testing:

let ``Sum of 1 to 5 is 15``() =
  [ 1 .. 5 ] |> sum 
  |> should equal 15

In this session Tomas managed to introduce a new custom operator (+/-) which lets you concisely declare range checks:

value should equal 7.0 (+/-) 0.000001

DSL: Spreadsheet

Finally we looked at how to create an external DSL using a Spreadsheet as an example. If you’re interested in learning more I’d recommend looking through these articles:

Mystery Coding Contest

The mystery coding contest was an ant colony simulator where you had to implement an AI for ants to beat a rival colony, which involved attacking the enemy, searching for food, leaving pheromone trails.

Read more over on Rich Minerich’s blog

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