Phillip Trelford's Array

POKE 36879,255

Game of Life

Last week I had the pleasure of attending Software Craftsmanship 2010 at the magnificent Bletchley Park mansion on a gloriously sunny autumn’s day.


One of the great sessions I attended was Michael Hunger’s:

Using the Game Of Life to code, discuss language, paradigms and approaches

Michael used a video of Jon Conway himself to explain the rules; which he followed up by showing a very interesting implementation using APL. Afterwards we all paired up to try implementations in various languages. After about half an hour my pair came up with the following F# implementation.

Initialise a board as a 2D Array:

let width, height = 12,12
let board = Array2D.init width height (fun x y -> 0)

Computing the next generation of life requires finding the neighbours of a specified cell:

let computeNeighbours x y (board:int[,]) =
    let getValue (x,y) =
        let x = (x + width) % width
        let y = (y + height) % height
        -1,0;      1,0;
        -1,1 ;0,1;1,1;  
    |> (fun (dx,dy) -> x+dx,y+dy)
    |> getValue
    |> Seq.sum

To compute the next generation the current board is mapped to a new one, computing life  by matching the result of the compute neighbours function to the rules of life:

let doGeneration board =
    |> Array2D.mapi (fun x y n ->
        match n, computeNeighbours x y board with
        | _, 3 -> 1
        | n, 2 -> n
        | _, _ -> 0

The board is shown to both the console and Visual Studio output window:

let show (board:int[,]) =
    for y = 0 to height-1 do    
        for x = 0 to width-1 do
            let v = if board.[x,y] = 0 then '0' else '1'
            Console.Write v
            Debug.Write v
        Console.WriteLine ()
        Debug.WriteLine ""

Finally the board is set up and a number of generations are run:

do  [7,7;8,7;9,7;9,6;8,5]        
    |> List.iter (fun (x,y) -> board.[x,y] <- 1)
do  let mutable current = board
    for i = 1 to 10 do
        show current
        current <- doGeneration current

A visually prettier implementations was achieved using JavaScript and HTML during the exercise. So just for fun I tried running the F# code inside WebSharper (which converts F# code directly to JavaScript). A few minor changes required:

  • The 2D Array for the board was replaced with a Jagged Array
  • The output was converted to HTML
  • The loop changed to an Asynchronous Workflow

You can see the WebSharper version running here:

Coincidentally Adam Granicz of Intellifactory, who was very recently awarded an F# MVP, will be giving a talk about his WebSharper product this Tuesday October 12th; along with Can Erten on Backtracking, for the Functional Londoner’s Meetup Group at Skills Matter!

GameOfLife.fs (1.36 kb)

GameOfLifeWebSharper.fs (2.55 kb)

TickSpec: Production Ready

The TickSpec F# Behavioural Driven Development (BDD) project started on CodePlex just over a month ago, and is now in use in production for at least one commercial application. TickSpec executes plain text specifications written in the Gherkin business language against a .Net implementation using reflection and regular expressions (like Cucumber does for Ruby). All English language Gherkin keywords are supported including Background and Examples, along with Bullet Points which are TickSpec specific.

The project now includes support and samples for 3 popular .Net Unit Testing Frameworks:

Screen shot of the MbUnit’s Icarus GUI Test Runner:


TickSpec gives the ability to step through plain text feature files in Visual Studio and see the current value of template placeholders of the executing Example:


Debug support is achieved using Reflection.Emit which executes an IL code representation of the source files at runtime. This allows it to be used from any .Net language, and avoids the need to install a Visual Studio plug-in. Plain text specification files can easily be added to a project as an Embedded Resource.

See TickSpec in action in the following video (includes sound):


Yet despite all these features, the TickSpec distribution is still lightweight (<100K) comprising a single standalone assembly (TickSpec.dll). And inside there is support for both C# and F# step definitions using either instance or static methods. So that given the following specification:

Given a bullet list of:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Then the following F# step definition will be passed an array of integer values:

let [<Given>] ``a bullet list of`` (xs:int[]) = ()


And also for C# given the regular expression is specified as an argument of the attribute:

[Given(@"a bullet list of")]
public void GivenABulletListOfNumbers(int[] xs)


Get started with the binary, source and examples at: and for more information on BDD check out the following free fun e-book:

TickSpec: An F# BDD Framework

TickSpec is a lightweight Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework on CodePlex:

  • “Tick” because it supports F# ``Tick`` methods (*) (as well as C# annotated methods)
  • “Spec” because it parses plain text Specifications
  • “Lightweight” as it is currently implemented in a single F# file with <200 LOC
  • “BDD” as you can describe the software’s behaviour using a subset of the Gherkin language
  • “Framework” as it is simply a library
  • “CodePlex” so that it can be used by the community

(*) ``F# methods`` delimited with double backtick characters

Why BDD?


BDD, originally named by Dan North, is an Agile technique that can help deliver real customer value for LOB applications.

Lest we forget, the Agile Manifesto recommends valuing:

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

By defining executable scenarios with natural language, BDD encourages collaboration between Developers, QA and Business Participants. This differs from TDD, where unit tests are limited to being readable only by developers. More info:

Agile software development also favours:

Working software over comprehensive documentation

By focusing on writing executable scenarios in a natural language, BDD helps build good enough living documentation.


Why F#?


For the framework, F# features such as pattern matching, particularly active patterns, combined with regular expression support make writing a text parser and state machine pretty easy.

Consumers of the framework use step definitions as methods that are mapped to lines in the specification text file. In C# typically methods are annotated with attributes describing a regular expression to match the line, with the method name repeating the annotation. By escaping methods in F# with double ticks, spaces and regular expression characters can be used directly, avoiding the duplication.

In his F# Fundamentals article for MSDN Magazine, Luke Hoban claims:

F# is in many ways a higher-level language than C#

it means F# developers can often solve problems and think about their programs at a higher level, closer to the domain of the problem at hand.

A higher level language may be more appropriate for writing acceptance tests. Ben Hall writes in his article Automate Acceptance Tests with IronRuby again for MSDN magazine:

I think you can justify the context switching (between IronRuby and C#) in order to take advantage of the readability and the more natural way of writing the verifications and scenarios

In the end, integrating acceptance testing into the development process can be a hugely positive step for a development organization.

I would assert that F# is similar to IronRuby in its expressiveness, but has an advantage in being a first class language within Visual Studio 2010. I would recommend looking at acceptance tests in F# as a way to introduce the language inside an organization. See Zach Bray’s talk on Automating Acceptance Testing with F# at Skills Matter to learn more.


Gherkin feature example

Feature: Refunded or replaced items should be returned to stock

Scenario 1: Refunded items should be returned to stock
	Given a customer buys a black jumper
	And I have 3 black jumpers left in stock 
	When he returns the jumper for a refund 
	Then I should have 4 black jumpers in stock 


F# Step Definitions


let [<Given>] ``a customer buys a black jumper`` () = ()
let [<Given>] ``I have (.*) black jumpers left in stock`` (n:int) =  
    stockItem <- { stockItem with Count = n }
let [<When>] ``he returns the jumper for a refund`` () =  
    stockItem <- { stockItem with Count = stockItem.Count + 1 }
let [<Then>] ``I should have (.*) black jumpers in stock`` (n:int) =     
    let passed = (stockItem.Count = n)


Why TickSpec?


Right now TickSpec is intended as a lightweight framework to get you started with BDD using F#. It is standards based, supporting a subset of the Gherkin language, so should be easy to change to another Gherkin based framework like Cucumber, SpecFlow or StorEvil.




The Agile Manifesto values:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

A BDD framework helps automate the execution of scenarios. But don’t forget, the real value in BDD comes from greater customer collaboration.