Least Common Multiple on Wikipedia.
How well can the prime factorization method be expressed in F#? This is my first solution and just for fun:
open System
/// Generate sequence of all integer primes
let primes =
let isPrime x =
let rec test = function
| 1 -> true
| n -> if x % n = 0 then false else test (n-1)
test (x/2)
seq {
yield! [1;2;3;5;7]
for n in 11..2..Int32.MaxValue do
if isPrime n then yield n
/// Compute prime factors
/// <returns>
/// Sequence of prime number powers (x^y) as tuple of (x,y)
/// </returns>
let primefactors x =
/// Compute prime factor
let primefactor x =
|> Seq.skip 1
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun prime -> prime <= x)
|> Seq.tryFind (fun prime -> (x % prime) = 0)
/// Compute list of prime factors
let rec fold acc x =
match primefactor x with
| Some factor -> fold (factor::acc) (x/factor)
| None -> acc
fold [] x
|> Seq.countBy (fun x -> x)
/// Compute lowest common multiple
let lcm xs =
xs // {8;9;21}
|> Seq.map primefactors // {{2^3};{3^2};{3^1;7^1}}
|> Seq.concat // {2^3;3^2;3^1;7^1}
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (x,y) -> x) // {{2;{2^3}};{3;{3^1;3^2}};{7;{7^1}}}
|> Seq.map (fun (x,xys) ->
x, // 3
xys // {3^1;3^2}
|> Seq.map snd // {1;2}
|> Seq.max // 2
) // {2^3;3^2;7^1}
|> Seq.map (fun (x,y) ->
pown x y // {8;9;7}
|> Seq.reduce (*) // 504
do lcm [8;9;21] |> printf "%d" // yields 504
The .Net Framework ships with a C# code compiler that lets you generate in-memory assemblies. This can be used to run C# scripts without the need for the installation of a large application like PowerShell. The following code, which targets .Net 2.0, builds into a 7K executable, and is all that is needed to run C# source files from the command line:
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.CSharp;
using System.Collections.Generic;
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// Executes specified C# script file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">Path of C# script file</param>
static void Main(string[] args)
// Check parameters
if (args.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Please specify a C# script file");
// First parameter is source file path
string path = args[0];
// Check file exists
if (!File.Exists(path))
Console.WriteLine("Specified file does not exist");
// Read source from file
string source = ReadFile(path);
// Initialize compiler options
CompilerParameters compilerParameters =
new CompilerParameters();
compilerParameters.GenerateExecutable = true;
compilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = true;
compilerParameters.TreatWarningsAsErrors = true;
compilerParameters.CompilerOptions = "/nowarn:1633"; // unrecognized pragmas
// Prepass source for #pragma reference statements
StringReader reader = new StringReader(source);
while (true)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
if (line == null) break;
string pattern =
Match match = Regex.Match(line, pattern);
if (match.Success)
// Specify .NET version
Dictionary<string, string> providerOptions =
new Dictionary<string, string>();
providerOptions.Add("CompilerVersion", "v3.5");
CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(providerOptions);
// Compile source
CompilerResults results =
new string[] { source });
// Show errors
if (results.Errors.HasErrors)
Console.WriteLine("Errors Building " + path);
foreach (var err in results.Errors)
// Extract argument tail
string[] parameters = new string[args.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(args, 1, parameters, 0, args.Length-1);
// Invoke compiled assembly's entry point
(null, new object[1] { parameters });
private static string ReadFile(string path)
using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(path))
return reader.ReadToEnd();
Script files look just like Console applications:
using System;
public class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
Finally additional assemblies can be referenced using #pragma directives:
#pragma warning disable 1633 // disable unrecognized pragma directive warning
#pragma reference "System.Windows.Forms.dll"
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
MessageBox.Show("Hello World");
The Open Source eXchange III was a mini-conference where members of the ALT.NET community talked about their favourite alternative .NET tools that increase programmer productivity. Units of Measure is a cool language feature in F#, developed by Andrew Kennedy, that lets you easily annotate values with units like metres, kilograms or seconds. Then F# type inference kicks in to give you automatic checking of your unit types at design and compile time, but cost you nothing at run time, e.g.
let gravityOnEarth = 9.8f<m/s^2> // Acceleration
Following a bit of a Apollo 40th Anniversary theme, I presented 3 code samples (attached):
Orbital Mechanics
Lunar Lander
Further reading: