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Progressive F# Tutorials NYC 2013

Last week saw the second Progressive F# Tutorials in New York held at the Dumbo loft, a great venue in Brooklyn literally under the Brooklyn Bridge.

Progressive FSharp Tutorials NYC 2013

The tutorials ran over 2 days with 2 keynotes:

  1. F# in an Open Source World – Don Syme, Microsoft Reseach
  2. F# Beyond Windows – Miguel De Icaza, Xamarin & Mono

F# is an open source language with a strong open source community and in his keynote Don talked about how companies and individuals are leveraging F#.

Miguel’s keynote focused on F# in Mono, and how it is now a built-in language in Xamarin Studio allowing F# to target Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and a host of other platforms.


The core of the Tutorials is 4 x 4hr deep dive tutorials spread across 2 tracks catering for both beginners and more experienced F# users. This year I teamed up with Rachel Reese and Mathias Brandewinder for 3 sessions on the beginners track.  

F# Koans

The first beginner session was the F# Koans with Chris Marinos which is a great introduction to the language. The F# Koans are a set of failing tests that you implement progressively to learn new aspects of the language.

    let ModifyingTheValueOfVariables() =
        let mutable x = 100
        x <- 200
        AssertEquality x __

In the example above you would write in the expected value for x.

Try F#

In this session lead by Rachel Reese we worked through tutorials on the Try F# site while discussing commercial uses of F#, particularly in Finance


Machine Learning

This session introduced F# in the context of Machine Learning, exploring data sets using a CSV type provider and the REPL. Mathias covered Naive Bayes using a set of text messages to classify as Ham or Spam, while l walked through a Decision Tree based classifier applied to a dataset for the Titanic:

Pacman Kata

The last session of the day was a Pacman Kata which culminated in creating your own behaviour for the Ghosts (or Pacman) inside a WPF version of the game using an API developed by Mathias.

Pacman ghosts 

Calling and Extending the F# Compiler

Tomas Petricek and Don Syme gave a deep dive session on the F# compiler. Tomas provided a set of samples that show how to embed the F# compiler into your own applications. During the session I began embedding the F# compiler into my open source spreadsheet project Cellz, so that as well as spreadsheet functions you can write F# expressions inline too:

FSharp in Cellz

Next up

The next Progressive F# Tutorials event will be in London on Oct 31 – Nov 1 where we will be returning to the Crypt.

ProgFsharp London 2013

If you’re interested in coming along to the New York event next year Skills Matter have a great early bird discount on at the moment.

Pacman Kata at Progressive F# Tutorials NYC 2013

I’m a bit of a Pacman fan so when I came across the Pacman Kata in the Kata Catalogue I was hooked:

Pacman finds himself in a grid filled with monsters. Will he be able to eat all the dots on the board before the monsters eat him?

Back in early 2012 we ran a Pacman Kata at the F#unctional Londoners meetup where you start with a maze and sprites and your task is to write a simple AI. After the event I extended the sample to run on Windows 8, Windows Phone as well as Silverlight and WPF, and somehow got a mention from Channel 9.

A few months back Neil Danson ported the sample to iOS, and over the last few weeks I’ve been playing with the HTML 5 canvas and have created a FunScript version too.

When Rich Minerich suggested a version for the Progressive F# Tutorials in New York I jumped at the chance, and teamed up with Mathias Brandewinder to create a fun session centred around Pacman:


Code samples from the session:

Test-driven Pacman

The session began with some good old unit tests:

let ``pacman should wrap from left to right beyond left extent`` () =
    let p = wrap { x = leftExtent-1; y =0 }
    Assert.AreEqual(rightExtent, p.x)

Followed by automated acceptance tests using TickSpec:

Scenario: Pacman eats dots
  When pacman eats a pac-dot
  Then he scores 10

Scenario: Pacman eats power pellets
  When pacman eats a power pellet
  Then he scores 50

In the sample the scenarios are automated using attribute based step definitions:

type Property = PacDot | PowerPellet

let [<When>] ``pacman eats a pac-dot`` () =
    properties <- PacDot::properties

let [<When>] ``pacman eats a power pellet`` () =
    properties <- PowerPellet::properties

let [<Then>] ``he scores (.*)`` (points:int) =
    let scored =
        properties |> List.sumBy (function
            | PacDot -> 10
            | PowerPellet -> 50
    Assert.AreEqual(points, scored)


Next up we looked at implementing keyboard controls, first with Mario and then Pacman, both in FunScript:

Pacman keys 

The controls can be composed from simple functions:

let left (dx,_) p = if dx = –1 then {p with x=p.x+dx} else p
let right (dx,_) p = if dx = 1 then {p with x=p.x+dx} else p
let up (_,dy) p = if dy = -1 then {p with y=p.y+dy} else p
let down (_,dy) p = if dy = 1 then {p with y=p.y+dy} else p

let step dir pacman = pacman |> left dir |> right dir |> up dir |> down dir


The grand finale was writing your own AI for the Ghosts (or Pacman) using an API designed by Mathias specifically for the session:

// Decision is based on current move, line of sight and possible moves
member this.Decide (current: Move) (lineOfSight: Sight) (choices: Move Set) =
    n <- n + 1
    let inSight (creatures:Creature list) =
        |> List.exists (function PacMan 0 -> true | _ -> false)

    let standard  () =
        let restricted =                 
            |> Set.filter (fun c -> not (c = backwards current))
        if (restricted |> Set.count > 0)
        then randomMove restricted
        else randomMove choices

    let home () =
        let s = lineOfSight
        let xs = [Up,s.Up; Down,s.Down; Left,s.Left; Right,s.Right]
        let x = 
            |> List.tryFind (fun (d,xs) ->
                xs |> List.exists (snd >> inSight)
        match x with
        | Some (d,_) -> d
        | None -> standard ()

    if (n / 500) % 2 = 0 then home ()
    else standard ()

The simple AI above switches the ghosts between homing in on Pacman and random moves every 500 frame updates (roughly every 8 seconds).

At the end we played off Mathias’s payoff function based Pacman AI against my simple Ghosts on the big screen which ended in a tie :)

Blue ghosts

In the more competitive Pacman session ran by Paulmichael Blasucci and Rich Minerich the final was between Jack Fox and Tyler Smith.

More fun

And there’s more fun to come, Rich Minerich will be running a Pacman competition at the Progressive F# Tutorials in London this year:

ProgFsharp London 2013

and there’s a Pacman Kata scheduled for November at the F#unctional Londoners meetup.

Building a game in a day

Last night I gave a talk at the F#unctional Londoners meetup about my experiences working in a team building a game in a day at the recent London GameCraft game jam event. We went with a continuous runner and used XNA to build the game on Windows with a hack to get it working on Visual Studio 2012, then Neil Danson was able to port it to iOS and Android using MonoGame. I brought along an Apple iPad and Google Nexus 7 both happily running the game.

iOS and Android

A recent article in the Guardian suggests that iOS and Android combined now generate four times the revenue of dedicated gaming handhelds. Both Unity and MonoGame let you target those platforms. I played a little with Unity at the Rezzed game jam early in the year, and MonoGame at GameCraft. As a coder by trade I felt more comfortable with MonoGame, where Unity can get you a long way fast but it felt more designer orientated (not necessarily a bad thing).

@ptrelford @qmcoetzee #theprismer on iPad from #gamecraft thanks #monogame!

Check out Neil’s article on F# and Monogame Part 4 – Content Pipeline


At a recent QuakeCon conference veteran game developer John Carmack spent a chunk of his annual monologue extolling the virtues of functional programming. F# is a rich functional-first programming language with excellent imperative and OO features when you need them. The experience is similar to the Lua programming language, which is hugely popular in gaming, with it’s light syntax and all important coroutine support. Given that it can run cross platform I think it’s an interesting choice for Indie games development. The XBLA title Path of Go is a good example of what is possible. There’s also a book on F# game development Friendly F# (Fun with game programming).

Path to Go

Code Samples

Berzerk shows how to build a simple game AI using seq expressions:

let zombie target state = seq {
    yield! random_pause state 10
    while true do
        yield! wait target state 50.0
        yield! home target state 10

Flint Eastwood is a small game I built in 6 hours at the first Dublin GameCraft event:

Flint Eastwood

Balls is a sound game, similar to Sound Drop I built last week:

Tsunami Balls

The Prismer is our entry to the London GameCraft game jam:


New York, New York

If you’re interested in learning more about F# check out the Progressive F# Tutorials on 18th/19th in New York followed by a GameCraft game jam on Friday the 20th.
