Phillip Trelford's Array

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JavaScript is good, so as part of JavaScript the Good Parts, prototypal inheritance must be really, really good.

JS The Good Parts

Some time ago while I was working on a supply chain management system for a large UK based department store I came across some interesting C# code, here’s an example:

public class Customer : Address 


Unfortunately Clarence above has no address, but thanks to Homeless Hotspots he is a Mac address. A stark warning of the implications of favouring inheritance over composition.

When asked the C# programmer said that they preferred inheritance as it was quicker to implement in C# than composition. For a single object it is easier to favour inheritance over composition in C#, even more so with C# 2.0 before the advent of auto-implemented properties. Here’s the somewhat more verbose Customer has an Address:

public class Customer
    private readonly Address _address = new Address();

    public Address Address 
            return _address; 

The Gang of Four in their seminal Design Patterns book postulated in the first chapter that good object-orientated design should favour composition over inheritance. Unfortunately most people seem to skip the first chapter and dive head first into specific patterns like singleton, proxy and factory. Spring’s AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean shows the way:


Arbitrary misuse of inheritance is not confined to enterprise developers, we only need to look at the Button class in WPF to see a long hierarchy and over 160 members.

Button Inheritance

Thankfully the Intellisense in Visual Studio 2012 has an intelligent search to help you find the needle in the haystack. In the future it may be possible to apply machine learning approaches for prediction so that we can scale from hundreds to thousands of members.

Prototypal Inheritance

Programmers often find JavaScript inheritance hard to understand. This is probably a good thing, creating a pit of success where composition is by default favoured over inheritance.

To this end I have implemented Prototypal Inheritance for C#. The source is available on BitBucket and I will publish a Nuget package for enterprise developers in the near future.

Prototype-based programming is actually quite a natural fit for C# particularly with the dynamic support introduced in C# 4, combined with the var keyword introduced in C# 3, it’s often hard to distinguish C# from JavaScript. 

Now for the science: in prototypal inheritance every object is a clone of another object.



Let’s start with the pseudoclassical JavaScript example from Douglas Crockford’s book:

var Mammal = function (name) { = name; };
Mammal.prototype.get_name = function () { return; };
Mammal.prototype.says = function () { return this.saying || ''; };
var myMammal = new Mammal('Herb the Mammal');
var name = myMammal.get_name(); // 'Herb the Mammal'

var Cat = function (name) { = name;
    this.saying = 'meow';

Cat.prototype = new Mammal();

Cat.prototype.get_name = function () {
    return this.says() + ' ' + + ' ' + this.says();

var myCat = new Cat('Henrietta');
var says = myCat.says(); // 'meow'
var name = myCat.get_name();

You can’t beat a good taxonomy of the animal kingdom to show the awesome power of OO. Now you can create almost exactly the same code in C# using the Prototype library:

var Mammal = Prototype.Constructor<string>((that, name_) => that.Name = name_);
Mammal.Prototype.GetName = (System.Func<dynamic, string>)(that => that.Name);
Mammal.Prototype.Says = (System.Action<dynamic>)(that =>
    string saying = that.Saying;
var myMammal = Mammal.New("Herb the Mammal");
string herb = myMammal.GetName();

var Cat = Prototype.Constructor<string>((that, name_) =>
    that.Name = name_;
    that.Saying = "meow";

Cat.Prototype = Mammal.New();

var myCat = Cat.New("Henrietta");

string name = myCat.GetName();


Again starting with a JavaScript prototypal example:

var myMammal = {
    name: 'Herb the Mammal',
    get_name: function () {
    says: function () {
        return this.saying || '';

Now in C# taking advantage of anonymous objects:

var Class = Prototype.FromObject(new
    Name = "Hello",
    GetName = (System.Func<dynamic, string>)(that => that.Name)
dynamic myMammal = Class.New();

There it is, prototypal inheritance for C#, you’re welcome!

Comments (1) -

  • Giacomo Stelluti Scala

    4/2/2013 2:35:57 AM |

    It's very interesting post! Smile

    Composition should always preferred over inheritance also if you keep your programming style OO.

    I think that writing something like "Customer : Address" is completely senseless and is also a wrong use of inheritance itself. (It's a design smell as minimum...).

    Regards, Giacomo

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